Ajudes tècniques Ciutadella


Ajudes Tècniques Ciutadella At offers health and orthopedic products without adaptation, such as wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, beds and electric cranes….

We are willing to meet anyone who wants to use our services in order to improve their quality of life.

We will answer all your questions and help you enhance your enviroment with a wide variety of products at your service available.

  • Rent wheelchairs

    Rent wheelchairs

  • Wheelchairs


  • Wheelchairs


  • Electric wheelchairs

    Electric wheelchairs

  • Electric cranes

    Electric cranes

  • Electric beds

    Electric beds


Ajudes tècniques Ciutadella Check on our full catalogue of items for sale as well as a variety of orthopedic products and solutions for people with disabilities which prevent then from complete mobility and require life support.

We would like to help you to have an easier life

In addition,you will receive a professional and personalized service. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information on any of the products from our catalogue.

  • We would like to help you to have an easier life

    We would like to help you to have an easier life

  • Scooter with 4 wheels Macao

    Scooter with 4 wheels Macao

  • Scooter with 4 wheels Cayman

    Scooter with 4 wheels Cayman

Service maintenance and repair

We believe in the importance of a wide range of products and a good team, qualified to give excellent service, based on the fast management of maintenance. we are also capable of repairing all kind of products.

You can always be calm and confide in our service that will serve you efficiently.


Who is for?

Ajudes Tècniques Ciutadella At is aimed at the elderly people with any type of disability, people who need special footwear insoles, sport men and sport women who needs orthotics or rehabilitation.

Our products and services aim to improve our client´s quality of life.

Visit our suppliers

Link – Holidayhire.com

You will find us here

Ver Ajudes Tècniques Ciutadella en un mapa más grande


    • Av. Jaume el Conqueridor, 68. Ciutadella de Menorca
    • 971 38 44 94
    • 670 480 707


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